We all realize how time consuming and how much of a challenge it can sometimes be, to provide good quality breads and pastries for your daily guest. At Baker's Choice we can offer you a simple solution through our line of Partly Baked and Frozen Breads and Breakfast Items.
By switching to our premium quality products you will no longer need to rush into town to get the bread, you will also no longer have to deal with wastage or old bread.
Easily stored and accounted for, our bread and breakfast items just require thawing for 10 minutes and another 10 minutes in the oven at 200 degrees Celsius.
The result is the goodness of Freshly Baked Breads on your table, as and when you need it and exactly to the amount you require.
A system especially suited for Villa Residents, Busy Restaurants ( check out our latest Bread Basket Combo for Restaurants below ) and medium sizes Hotels which do not have their in house bakery department.